Whats the first thing that every one learns once he get system ?
The answer is how to copy text using control + c keys and then pasting it using control + v.
But there is lot of dangers associated with it , thinking what are dangers associated with it !!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you .....when you press Ctrl+C while you are Online , it is stored in the clipboard of windows operating system .Well the danger associated with this that it can be retrieved by other websites which you visit . Just think if u have just copied your credit card number !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scary right ?
Let me show u how it works
- Copy any text by Ctrl + C
- You can see that your text is visible on the top.
Forward this information to all your friends and relatives .
Wanna know how it works and how to safe gaurd yourself , read this article
Protect Yourself From Dangers of Control+C
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hey... common...!!! it can even retrive the info from clip board even after copying it from rightclick copy... mor over it wud promt on my machine whtr to display the info from clip board or not...!!!
common dude it happens even if som body tries with rightclick copy....
reply me to my mail... ghufran.com@gmail.com else i wont come to know that u replied
man right click and control + c are same ........ it means copying any thing either by right click or control +c is dangerous .
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